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Stevie B

Only if the GOP surprises us and nominates Dennis Kucinich.


So I take it, Stevie B and German Shepherd, you guys aren't gonna vote for Obama this time around?

Stevie B

Can you have creation by omission? The media's creationism, if any, is clearly a function of failed or consciously omitted vetting of BHO, as GS's point about the conflicting reports of where the man was raised and a complete lack of journalistic curiosity about those contradictions demonstrates. When I think of Obama as a "creation" of someone, I tend to think Hollywood. You know, Tim Burton - or maybe Wes Cravens...

German Shepherd

Ya just gotta wonder where all these writers are getting the bad info on where our SCFOAMF was raised. So far we have Singapore, Kenya, Indonesia, Hawaii. How can so many people get such a simple fact wrong?

I DO love the last line of the article though. Very prophetic methinks.

Maybe she's related to the President? He's also part Irish (he says).

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