Posted by Lambchop
The Good Mormon: President Romney (oops typo) hightailed it to Lousiana to see the damage from Hurrican Isaac, offer support, and meet with exceedingly competent Lousiana Governor, Bobby Jindal.
Fake President Obama could not be bothered so he went to Texas to fundraise. Obama parties while black people drown.
The Evil Mormon: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, aka The Whispering Idiot said:
“It is the height of hypocrisy for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to make a pretense of showing sympathy for the victims of Hurricane Isaac when their policies would leave those affected by this disaster stranded and on their own. This is yet another example of Mitt Romney’s extreme right wing agenda, which asks middle class families to sacrifice in order to protect millionaires and billionaires from paying their fair share.”
Methinks that the Dems are a bit sensitive to this visit. Hmmm?
Vaguely remember Governor Blanco crying, Mayor Nagin escaping to a nice hotel in Dallas during Katrina. A source extremely high up in the city planning/hurricane prep world in Houston said that President Bush was continually on the phone with hurricane first responders in Houston because Nagin and Blanco refused to answer their phones - which resulted in the deployment of General Honore to fix the horrible mess by Blanco and Nagin.
Posted by: Lambchop | 08/31/2012 at 10:09 PM
Actually Sen. Reid, it's the height of hypocrisy for Obama to excoriate Bush's handling of Katrina while he fundraises and campaigns for 6 days after Isaac landfall before visiting NOLA.
Although to be brutally honest, the further away he stays the better. The adults are in charge now.Notice the man in the La. State Police jacket.
Posted by: German Shepherd | 08/31/2012 at 08:11 PM