Posted By LambChop
The War on Women is over. Obama lost. There was a point (15 minutes after the 2008 election)
when Obama had his highest approval rating among women, hovering at around 70%.
So what happened? The Obama administration made a power point cartoon named
Julia who was husbanded by the federal government from cradle to grave. Most
women found the representation of a single woman grabbing for government
dollars insulting. Meanwhile Obama then sent out Hilary Rosen, the militant
lesbian political hack who told women in a scathing insult that Ann Romney had “never
worked a day in her life”. Obama then dragged out Sandra Fluke the snotty
little prig who masqueraded as “poor college student” who could not afford a $9
per month pack of birth control pills (or a 15 cent condom) to get laid. She
was actually a 30-year-old professional activist and Georgetown Law Student engaged
to a politically-connected heir with a trust fund. The “Vagina Fest” pretending to be a political convention also backfired.
Most women were
revolted at the thought of being reduced to mere “lady parts” and were equally
disgusted by adults parading around as giant stuffed plush labia. The Democrat
convention did not win any new friends. Stephanie Cutter added insult to injury
insisting, “That’s the
other thing that you find most often with women. They’re not really concerned
about what’s happened over the last four years, they really want to know what’s
going to happen in the next four years.”Biden's debate performance might have helped Obama with the Daily Beast, Wonkette & FireDogLake crowd, but women were appalled by his behavior towards Ryan and Martha Raddatz, the moderator.
What the Obama campaign missed is that women have issues which are important to them that have not been addressed. Gallup/USA Today introduced a poll of registered voters in 12 swing states in April (CO, FL, OH, IA, MI, NV, NH, NM, NC, PA, VA, and WI).The issues most important to women are as follows, ranked by order of importance:, 2.gas prices, 3.unemployment, 4.the deficit and national debt, issues, and 6.government policies on birth control.
Obamacare was and is highly unpopular with women who are more opposed to it than men: 52% of women as opposed to 48% of men wanted the Supreme Court to overturn the entire Affordable Care Act.
The passage of the bill to begin with was distasteful to women for a number of reasons:
- No one actually read the legislation prior to its passage.
- It was discovered that the bill was drafted in secret meetings by lobbyists with government, health insurance and drug companies making backroom deals.
- The cornhusker kickback to bribe opposing congressmen.
- Senate voted 60–39 to end debate on the bill, eliminating the possibility of a filibuster by opponents.
- Democrats dodged voter oversight on taxation in 2010 by insisting Obamacare wasn’t a tax, and then they survived the Supreme Court’s review 2012 by insisting Obamacare is a tax.
Gas Prices
Since Obama and Energy Secretary Chu have a stated vision of raising gas prices to European levels (to purposefully “wean” the public off their use of private automobiles) the fact that gas prices (and as a result- food and electricity) have risen has changed how most families live. Obama’s refusal to approve the Keystone Pipeline, the unreasonable tightening of EPA standards to stop new refineries from being built, and the moratorium on drilling have effectively capped the United States’ ability to provide our own cheap energy. The unintended consequence is a U.S. trade imbalance and dependence on foreign oil from unstable countries like Venezuela and Mexico - not just the Middle East. Since Obama took office, gas prices have increased 115.7 % in Houston, Texas.
The real unemployment rate is 14.7%.Any questions?
Deficit /National Debt/Financial Policies
- Our credit has been downgraded twice – the first time in the history of our nation.
- Over $16 trillion in debt (NOT included state or local debt and unfunded liabilities).
- The United States has breached the marker of debt surpassing 100% of GDP (in 2001 it was 56%).
- Bernanke started QE3, guaranteeing further devaluation of our dollar which is a hidden tax, affecting consumers’ ability to purchase with inflation being the natural result.
International/Foreign Policy Issues
For the past four years, Obama has assured the “war weary little ladies” that he opposed war (except for Afghanistan and Libya, and that whole “kill list thing”) and that he intended to close Gitmo one year from his inaugural - except he didn’t. Of course, much of what he considered popular with women (if you believe most women hold the same beliefs as Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan)…wasn’t. His Islamic apology tour and turning a blind eye to the “Arab Spring” did not help- particularly after the vicious gang rape of veteran foreign correspondent, Lara Spencer while she covered the “democratic protests of the Arab Spring.” Apparently the women folk don’t take too kindly to Islamic extremists killing our fathers, sons, brothers and husbands with suicide bombers (using women and mentally challenged children strapped with bombs); or gang raping and murdering female rape victims; or having women brutally lashed and stoned to death once their husband merely accused them of going to school or “adultery.” The deaths of 300 Mexican citizens and Agent Brian Terry at the hands of Obama’s Fast & Furious scandal and the Yemen and Benghazi assassinations of 5 government staffers and subsequent cover-ups that al Qaeda was responsible are key issues to women voters.
Government policies on birth control
Women have paid attention to the birth control debate. The Obama administration made up the fact that Mitt Romney had any future plans to abolish birth control (this began with a George Stephanopoulos talking point introduced at a Republican primary debate in January). With that lie, combined with the Sandra Fluke fluke, the administration has lost all credibility. Women did not like Obama’s policy to force Catholic charities and hospitals to support abortion, sterilization and contraception against their religious beliefs.
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