Posted By LambChop
Luckily the sequester did not cancel the infamous Easter Egg Roll at the White House. (Breathing a sigh of relief).
I suppose it's too much to ask that something...oh I dont know...involvoing the resurrection of Christ be included, but that does not quite fit into the liberal secular mindset of the Easter bunny holiday. So instead, "Captain Planet" has been invited to attend in full costume. For those of you ignorant cslobs who do not know, bizarre old billionaire relic, Ted Turner and some environmental actvist created this "cartoon superhero" in the 1990s as ideological propoganda for children. The iconic Joe Camel cartoon is turning over in his grave.
Interestingly , Captain Planet is not only a tool to shape children's mindsets about the environment. Captain Planet and his “Planeteers” formed after Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, bestowed on them the power of the elements to defend her from harm.Gaia worship is rooted in ancient Pagan religions who have declared Christinaity as there primary enemy to the spread of their "theology." The Gaia philosophy unites of all life forms around the goddess of "Mother Earth" - forming a reconstituted but clever mixture of science, paganism, eastern mysticism, and feminism. Perfect for a holiday that used to commemorate celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We have never EVER said anywhere that we have "Declared Christianity our enemy" in fact Christian Pagans, do exist. You hear and read whatever you want, not what is actually written or said. Maybe you should get your facts straight before you start writing articles. That is what an educated researcher does. )0( Blessed Be.
Posted by: Shaleea | 01/31/2014 at 05:46 AM