Posted By LambChop
Mother Jones has taken time away from promoting gun control, babbling about Wal-Mart, blaming Bush and making fun of the Tea Party to dip a toe into “INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM.” For Mother Jones, this means hearkening back to a balmy evening in June of 1972 when five men were caught in the offices of the Democrat National Committee.
Mother Jones somehow stumbled upon a recording of a “strategy session” of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign for re-election. The McConnell campaign was not debating how to improve the conservative message, how to find alternative sources of funding, how to win back the Christian right, how to govern conservative, how to save the country from big government, lower taxes or strengthen the economy, what to do with the Obama administration’s horrible foreign policy failures…nope.
The meeting was about how to defeat Ashley Judd, who at the time was exploring the possibility of running against McConnell. You can’t make this stuff up. ASHLEYGATE.
McConnell's campaign has since contacted the FBI after Mother Jones published a recording of the private strategy meeting. McConnell’s group said they were the victim of "Watergate-style tactics" to bug the office. Mother Jones obtained the recording from an unnamed source.
McConnell campaign manager Jesse Benton said, "We've always said the Left would stop at nothing to attack Sen. McConnell, but Watergate-style tactics to bug campaign headquarters are above and beyond. Obviously a recording device of some kind was placed in Senator McConnell's campaign office without consent. By whom and how that was accomplished presumably will be the subject of a criminal investigation."
The Mother Jones piece that included the audio, feigned outrage at the McConnell aides who suggested targeting Judd’s mental health problems and views on religion.
Mother Jones also documented that the McConnell campaign:
- Equated the campaign with Whac-A-Mole game
- Said they were eager to battle the media
- Contended that Judd was vulnerable on the religion front (Judd was recorded stating that “Christianity legitimizes male power over women.")
- Referenced Judd’s autobiography
- Pointed out that she has not lived in the State of Kentucky since the early 1990s
- The McConnell aides burst out laughing at an actual Judd quote: “I call it the American anesthesia. You know, I come back to this country. I freak out in airports. The colors, the sounds, all those different ways of packaging the same snack but trying to, you know, make it look like it's distinct and different and convince consumers that they have to have it. I mean all of that. The last time I came home from a trip, I absolutely flipped out when I saw pink fuzzy socks on a rack. I mean, I can never anticipate what is going to push me over the edge. But in a few weeks, you know, I'm driving along smooth roads and I think nothing of it. I'm, you know, choosing between four different brands of cereal from plastic dispensers so that I don't have to have, you know, ugly, mismatched boxes on my shelf, and I don’t think anything of it.”
- Amid the chuckles of disbelief, one of the McConnell strategists said, "So pink fuzzy socks are of concern."
Wow. That certainly is a smoking gun against the McConnell campaign. Who at Mother Jones would not listen to the inane nonsensical ramblings of Ashley Judd and not laugh their ass off at one time or another?
The real smoking gun is that the McConnell campaign wasted time at a meeting to strategize how to counter a challenger/ naked starlet with a psychobabble platform who claims rape is everywhere. All the McConnell campaign would need to do to beat Judd is publish two days of her Twitter feed – game over.
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