P0sted By LambChop
From WaPo:
We have seen zero indication that the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization is organizing these attacks,” said a high-ranking Western official who was not authorized to speak on the record. The official said the blame more likely rested with “Islamist vigilantes” rather than Brotherhood members acting on orders.
That will surely be news to the Egyptian authorities who have been raiding the homes of Muslim Brotherhood members , detaining hundreds of mid-level officials in order to crack down on attacks on Christian churches and businesses according to most media reports.
It's getting harder and harder to articulate my hatred for this Administration. But I try.
Perhaps one could look to the Egyptian military, which has pledged to rebuild the Coptic churches that were destroyed. Then compare Obama's hatred of the Egyptian military to his slavish devotion to the MB ( hell, any Islamic despotic regime).
I wish the President no ill will. But it would be a boon to medical science if he were to contact Bubonic Plague or something similar, for pure research opportunity.
Posted by: German Shepherd | 08/22/2013 at 12:19 AM