Posted By LambChop
Establishment Republicans are gearing up for the 2016 presidential race. Democrats are congealing around Hillary and the GOP is toying with dreams of the blowhard fat man, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
While Christie’s duodenum constricts as he sports his new weight loss hardware, Establishment Republicans are busying themselves behind the scenes, orchestrating a strategy to shut down Tea Party conservatives once and for all.
Establishment Republicans are enjoying their honeymoon with the younger, boisterous Christie, but they know that Christie will most likely melt down at some point during the campaign. Christie has problems - they are not sure of Christie’s amnesty bonafides because there have been times when it comes to fiscal responsibility, Christie has actually made sense. This scares the hell out of them. Christie’s ego makes him difficult to control. His Soprano style schtick gets tiresome. After all the GOP is the party of white bread power mongers like Mitch McConnell, John McCain and John Cornyn – interchangeable silver-haired bobble heads.
The most important objection to Chris Christie has very little to do with Christie’s weaknesses as a candidate. Establishment Republicans cannot divorce themselves from the “his turn” method of picking candidates – remember Ford, Dole, McCain. And whose turn is it? Jeb Bush, of course.
Make no mistake about it – the Establishment Republicans’ agenda revolves around one single issue – amnesty. They believe that if they control the implementation of amnesty – they will endear themselves to Hispanics forever thus securing a Republican Latino vote for all time. The poster child for amnesty is Jeb Bush. Bush loves Mexicans. He’s married to one. His brown-eyed, black- haired children look more like cousins to liberal political dynamos the Castro twins from San Antonio than any of the other Bush descendants.
The youngest Bush brother was former Governor of Florida and has been traveling around of late making speeches about how he is not RINO. He coyly claims he will not make a decision about running for President until the middle of 2014, but he has already published a book on the importance of immigrants’ path to citizenship and laid out his 4 points of light plan or whatever. Bush’s simple 4-point plan claims to hold the key to increase growth in the U.S. GDP 3.5% - 4% per year over the next decade.
1. Encourage North American energy production. Focusing on natural gas and approving the Keystone XL pipeline, rational fracking regulations, opening lands up for drilling, helping Mexico modernize its oil sector.
2. Approve comprehensive-immigration reform or amnesty. Because immigrants are entrepreneurial (and “are more fertile,” and those more children can help fix the imbalance in entitlement support). This would include a legal pathway that include fines and penalties, H1 visas, and a guest-worker program.
3. Reform education. Raise standards, grading schools based on student achievement, like in Florida, eliminate social promotion in third grade, focus on early literacy, expand school choice/vouchers.
4. Focus on the Family. “No amount of growth nor transformed education system will be sustainable if strong family faith isn’t the backbone of any American renewal. We have to be supportive of the single mom and the grandmother, as well as other non-traditional families,” Bush said, calling attention to the Democrats’ misguided attempts to fix these issues through government policy.
The Establishment Republicans are not interested in the fact that conservatives believe exactly what Jeb Bush’s mother (former FLOTUS Barbara Bush) said on the Today show about Jeb running for President: “There are other people out there that are very qualified and we’ve had enough Bushes.”
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