Magpul Industries announced it has closed up shop in Colorado and will be moving to Wyoming and Texas after Colorado continued to attack the gun industry and second amendment rights of its citizens.
This proves that elections have consequences. While Colorado basks in the glory of its future “pot tourism” it will soon miss the contributions and validity of long-term business partners like Magpul. Magpul plans to relocate 92% of its workforce within the next 12-16 months. This will cost Colorado 200 jobs and $80 million in revenue generated by the well-regarded corporation.
“Moving operations to states that support our culture of individual liberties and personal responsibility is important,” CEO Richard Fitzpatrick said in a statement. “This relocation will also improve business operations and logistics as we utilize the strengths of Texas and Wyoming in our expansion.”
In a not so surprise move, Gary Kubiak finally got canned after nearly a decade as the Houston Texans Head Coach. After years of frustration, tentative plays and botched draft picks, fans finally demanded Kubiak’s head. They got it.
Texan’s sweet-natured owner Bob McNair supposedly “did his homework” recruiting O’Brien who has been described as an “offensive coach.” Pundits are counting on the fact that O’Brien has a gift for mentoring young quarterbacks. Even McGloin credits his making it to the NFL to O'Brien's help. Except that McGloin is barely in the NFL – he’s with the Raiders. It could be time for a Texans intervention.
The problem? O’Brien is untested in the NFL in the only position that counts – Head Coach. O'Brien is only 44 -years old and worked for the New England Patriot’s Bill Belichick, first as an assistant from 2007 to 2011 and later as the offensive coordinator when the Patriot’s lost to the New York Giants in Super Bowl XLVI.
O’Brien left the Pats two years ago to take over at Penn State after the Jerry Sandusky child sexual abuse scandal. Penn State was crippled with a bowl ban and emotional crisis after the loss of Joe Paterno and the horrendous headlines about Sandusky. O’Brien lead the Nittany Lions to a ho-hum 15-9 record (10-6 in the slow -paced Big Ten). Heaven forbid the Texans get a college coach from the SEC that might be better prepared.
It is highly doubtful that O’Brien can take a lot of credit for the offensive successes of the New England Patriots. With a cagey, brilliant and iron-fisted Head Coach like Belichick plus a once-in-a-lifetime talented quarterback like Tom Brady, it seems less than likely that O’Brien was the talent behind the talent.
A local Houston sports analyst eager to jump on the O’Brien bandwagon claimed that O’Brien is ”tough” was not “not afraid” to “get in a quarterback’s face,” citing dressing down of Tom Brady on the sidelines one Sunday. Big deal.
John Harris, a writer for the Houston Chronicle and O’Brien’s classmate at noted football university Brown (cough, cough) told an anecdote about O’Brien’s commitment to studying for one economics exam as proof that he will turn the Texans around. Frankly, Harris seems to be laying it on a bit thick.
Houstonians were weary with Kubiak’s “that’s on me” press conferences, moping around the sidelines and oddly shoe-blacked unmoving hair. He became a source of irritation for desperate Texan fans. But this fleshy, Big 10 yankee who went to Brown hardly seems like the solution. 15 and the Big 10. Really?
In response to the latest NYT fictional report about Benghazi, monozygotic communist twin Rep. Castro from Texas claimed Benghazi attack was a "fairy tale" appearing on Meet the Press Sunday. Seriously, this guy is missing a tamale from his El Deluxe Comida.
Houston's "inclusive" gay mayor apparently has an issue with Phil Robertson's comments about homosexuality. Of course "redneck wingnut" is remarkably inclusive and tolerant, particularly since she is the mayor of the 4th largest city with more "redneck wingnuts" per square foot than any other major city in the U.S. Parker is a Dumb bitch.
Federal Judge Andrew S. Hanen of the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Texas has discovered that the Obama administration's cooperation with Mexican drug cartels goes far beyond Operation Fast & Furious where DHS “walked weapons” across the border in order to clandestinely prove that gun control was needed in the U.S. Operation Fast & Furious resulted in the deaths of more than 300 Mexican citizens and 2 law enforcement agents in the United States, and the Obama administration has yet to be held accountable.
Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) also helped drug cartels traffic children instead of stopping the transactions. Judge Hanen has uncovered four of these cases so far. With the U.S. government providing incentives, south of the border parents are even more likely to sell their children to cartel members for illegal transport across the border.
"In one situation, the government flew a child to multiple locations in different parts of the United States. The taxpayers of the United States suffer the expense of delivering these minors," Hanen wrote, noting that the Obama administration is "rewarding criminal conduct instead of enforcing the current laws."
The case before Judge Hanen — United States of America v. Mirtha Veronica Nava-Martinez —in which trafficker Mirtha Veronica Nava-Martinez influenced Patricia Elizabeth Salmeron Santos (an illegal immigrant living in Virginia) to allow Martinez to smuggle Santos' daughter from El Salvador to her home in Virginia. Martinez was to be paid $8,500. The DHS did not charge the mother and allowed the daughter to enter in to the U.S. illegally, actually transporting the daughter to Virginia at U.S. taxpayers' expense.
"The DHS, instead of enforcing our border security laws, actually assisted the criminal conspiracy in achieving its illegal goals," Hanen wrote.
In another case, a 3-year-old El Salvadoran toddler was abandoned by smuggler after being raped and tortured while held for additional money.
Sadly, while the government refuses to enforce immigration laws and is complicit in delivering arms to cartels and completing their human smuggling transactions, children will suffer because of the unintended consequences of desperate parents trusting drug cartels with precious cargo – their own children. We all lose.
Texas Governor Rick Perry appointed Houston lawyer Nandita Berry to be Secretary of State, succeeding John Steen Jr. of San Antonio, who resigned. Berry immigrated to the U. S. from India when she was 21. She is senior counsel at Locke Lord LLC, and is currently also a Perry appointee on the University of Houston Board of Regents.
Liberals have gone apesh*t over the appointment because Berry is married to conservative talk show host, Michael Berry, who regularly targets Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Houston LGBT Mayor Annise Parker (“Porker”) and refers to left wing Democrats as “libtards.” Michael Berry was a former real estate broker and three-term Houston City councilman. Berry’s skill at one-on-one debates with uninformed callers has caused his show (and ratings) to increase dramatically – he has introduced his audience to the likes of female impersonator Shirley Q. Liquor and talented musicians like Robert Earl Keen – he has even singlehandedly promoted the month of October as “White History Month.” Berry continually refers to his wife as "smokin hot" on the public airwaves and praises her for "out-earning him," her "fabulous cooking" and the fact that she is a wonderful mother to their twoyoung boys adopted from Ethiopia.
Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, claimed that she is not familiar with Nandita Berry's qualifications or resume, but she did take time to slam her husband, Michael Berry, saying that his public persona and activities "could cause some concern. He makes his living being controversial now," Farrar said. "This is an office that is supposed to be totally impartial to either party, even though it is a political appointment. You have to reach a really high level of public trust. I think his activities are a hindrance to that public trust."
So because her husband is a “controversial, conservative" talk show host, Mrs. Berry is painted with the same brush of “hindrance to the public trust”? Despite the fact that Nandita Berry has always been disconnected from public political discourse, it would seem that feminism is dead. When it comes to liberals' analyis of women who are in some way connected to conservative views - even if they are merely married to a husband who holds some of those views - her personal qualifications don't matter. The glass ceiling exists - and it is being pushed down further by frizzy-headed, hemp wearing, hairy-armpitted liberal women dressed in plush pink vagina costumes.
Most Texans will remember voting to approve lottery sales in Texas more than two decades ago, with the promise (mostly told in television advertisements) that 100% of the profits would go to public education. From its inception in 1992, not one pennywent to education – the Foundation School Fund did not receive a lottery payment until 1998.
The reality is that more Texans may be contributing by paying the stupid tax (buying lottery tickets) but the percentage of funds actually going to fund public education has been decreasing for 15 years. This actually caused the Texas House to vote to abolish the lottery last spring, but, they changed their mind.
The fact is about 63% of revenues from the lottery is paid out in prizes; 5% goes to administrative costs; retail outlet commissions are about 5%; 2% to legislature (unclaimed prizes) and about the 25% left goes to the Foundation School Fund.
Meanwhile textbook sales account for 2.6% of revenues more than the 1.77% of revenues from lottery proceeds. And what do the schools use this money for? The schools use their dollars to finance the debt service, pay fund outlays and payroll. Very few of these dollars are actually seen by the individual student.
"You should be spending your money, time and attention not on changing mascots but on educational matters. These names were not meant to be offensive. They were meant as a rallying cry to bring students together."- Joe Koch, a 1968 Lamar graduate.
Schools like Westbury High School and Hamilton Middle School consistently flunk Annual Year Reports (AYP) in student reading and math skills.
The School Board cannot be bothered with issues like academic standards, dropout or college attendance rates, safety or budget, but instead are focused on identity politics. So in a bizarre move, the HISD board voted to ban the use of certain mascot names deemed “ culturally insensitive.” This will force the Lamar High School Redskins, the Hamilton Middle School Indians, Welch Middle School Warriors and Westbury High School Rebels to change the name.
Ironically Westbury High School Rebels students are only 3.4% white – the rest of the students are minorities (44% are black and 46% are Hispanic). Perhaps their lack of knowledge of U.S. history and the Civil War clouded the fact that they have been offended and discriminated against for decades with their hurtful mascot name.
The latest greatest criminal defense? Affluenza. Yep – a condition that forces the sufferer of the illness to commit horrible crimes because they grow up in wealthy households and therefore have no morals.
A Texas judge sentenced a 16-year-old boy who killed four people while driving drunk to 10 years' probation in lieu of jail time, saying the boy suffered from "affluenza" (because he grew up wealthy).
Ethan Crouch, the affluenza sufferer, and his friends stole beer from a Wal-Mart in Burleson, Texas and were on their way to steal more when Crouch (with a blood alcohol level at .24 and a little Valium in his system) drove his white pickup truck at about 70 miles per hour hitting four pedestrians -- a youth pastor, a mother and daughter, and a 24-year-old woman. They all died. Crouch also managed to hurt 9 other people, including two of his friends who were in the truck.
Prosecutors in the case were seeking 20 years in prison for the victim of affluenza, but the judge decided that probation and therapy would be better suited for the affluent teen. After all, the defense presented a compelling case providing a psychological portrait of the teenager as someone who thought he could get away with anything because of his upbringing.
A psychologist called by the defense said Crouch began driving at 13, was allowed to drink and was never punished when police found him passed out in his truck in his early teens with a naked girl, WFAA reports.
The little darling will have no contact with his parents, but his daddy will pay $450,000 for him to live in a home in California where he'll receive intensive therapy. Four people are dead, two will never walk again and Crouch gets to spend a couple of years in posh rehab, confessing in group therapy with productive folks like Lindsay Lohan.
“I think it's an enormous blessing to be the child of an immigrant who fled oppression. Because you realize how fragile liberty is and how easily it can be taken away. As President Reagan said, liberty is never more than one generation from extinction.” ~Ted Cruz 2013
The coolest kids gift ever – a Ted Cruz coloring book! The Cruz to the Future™ book is described as “a non-partisan, fact-driven view of how Texas Sen. Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz became a U.S. senator and details, through his quotes and public information his ideas for what he believes will help America grow.”
Publisher Wayne Bell describes Cruz as a modern day hero and acknowledges his controversial Tea Party affiliation stating that “’Ted’Cruz has become a rejuvenation for the Tea Party movement in the U.S. His 21-hour speech on the Senate floor in September 2013 propelled Cruz into the national spotlight. Cruz’s beliefs and actions stir much emotion in those following the political realm, he is a modern ‘superhero’ to many and looked upon in adoration and abomination by some.”
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