Texas Senator Ted Cruz penned an important article for The Wall Street Journal about THE most troubling aspect of the Obama presidency – his need for unilateral power grabs. Obama has defied the U.S. Constitution and mocked our nation of laws by bypassing the entire law-making process as it existed since the inception of the United States.
Cruz makes the point succinctly and artfully:
Yet rather than honor this duty, President Obama has openly defied it by repeatedly suspending, delaying and waiving portions of the laws he is charged to enforce. When Mr. Obama disagreed with federal immigration laws, he instructed the Justice Department to cease enforcing the laws. He did the same thing with federal welfare law, drug laws and the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Cruz goes on to point out that Obama proudly and openly defies limits to Presidential authority:
President Obama has a different approach. As he said recently, describing his executive powers: "I've got a pen, and I've got a phone." Under the Constitution, that is not the way federal law is supposed to work.
In the more than two centuries of our nation's history, there is simply no precedent for the White House wantonly ignoring federal law and asking private companies to do the same.
Cruz sums it up, describing the danger to our Republic:
As Montesquieu knew, an imperial presidency threatens the liberty of every citizen. Because when a president can pick and choose which laws to follow and which to ignore, he is no longer a president.
“Satan stands as the ultimate icon for the selfless revolt against tyranny, free & rational inquiry, and the responsible pursuit of happiness,” - The Satanic Temple
From CBSNewYork/AP:
The Satanic Temple has plans to erect a monument to Satan at the Oklahoma state capitol in response to the approval by the Oklahoma legislature of a Ten Commandments monument in 2012. The ACLU is currently fighting to have the Ten Commandments monument removed from the capitol steps.
The Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission also reported they have received requests for monuments in the same area from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, a Hindu leader in Nevada, and an animal rights group.
Satanic Temple Spokesman Lucien Greaves said this about the monument: “The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond. The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation.”
Supposedly the group has raised $20,000 to construct the statue.
When Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were first married, they toured England together to assess the conditions under which "her" indigent people were living, especially with respect to their dwellings. The queen wanted the prince to design new places for her people to live, and he soon produced captivating drawings. At no time, however, did anyone ever ask the question, "Why are we doing this?" Why is it the business of the monarchy to design the homes in which people are to dwell? Why not create thee conditions in which people can ACTUALLY RISE ABOVE POVERTY AND MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICES? Obviously, Victoria was perpetuating the choice-defeating welfare state she had inherited--and she was doubling down. Maybe that's why a "lunatic" tried to shoot her in an open carriage and hit Prince Albert instead. Talk about taking a bullet.
Our Founding Fathers understood this simple fact: every time the government gets involved, you are one step closer to absolute monarchy. Accept a welfare check, the next thing you know they are telling you where to live, what to eat, with whom to associate, and how warm you can keep your house. Accept healthcare, and you have aromatherapy instead of proven cancer treatment, mandatory abortions instead of prenatal care, and death panels. THEY KNOW BEST HOW TO RUN YOUR LIFE. Just ask them.
In the mad dash to free the slaves, the North actually created the conditions for producing a new kind of monarchy in the United States--a Federalist monarchy that cast aside states' rights. For decades, this new monarchy has insinuated itself into every aspect of our lives to such an extent that we no longer feel the icy hand of the government around our necks. If this system of government is to work, BALANCE is key, but we lost balance MANY decades ago.
Now we have in America a President who actually thinks of himself as king.
Let us hope and pray that a second Civil War is not necessary to correct the mistakes of the first one.
What did we learn from the 16-day government shutdown? The most salient point is that perhaps as
much as 80% of the government is “non essential.” We have WHOLE agencies that
are awash with waste, fraud and abuse that lack accountability and oversight.
They have outlived their usefulness and most likely violated the 10th amendment
of the U.S. Constitution.
But what of agencies that are part of law enforcement? We know the Department of Homeland Security is
too large and unwieldy and should be disbanded. We have the FBI, Border Patrol, DEA,
ATF, Federal Marshall Service, DOJ, Bureau of Prisons, Customs Dept., Treasury
Dept., ICE and Coast Guard that are all involved in law enforcement. Spooks
like CIA & NSA have field ops.
The question is how many agencies and how many arms-wielding government officials do we really need? And who holds them accountable? We’ve seen in the power craving Obama administration the NSA and IRS have gone totally
off the reservation by creating policy, targeting citizens and completely ignoring
individual rights guaranteed on the U.S. Constitution. Their unfettered access
to data and ability to select and punitively attack Americans with no presumption
of innocence is jarring to say the least.
Folks balked at last year’s Department of Homeland Security bid
for up to 1.2 billion rounds of ammunition – not realizing that this future
purchase actually represented a slight decline in ammo purchases by the
U.S. government.
The egregious incident that recently fueled outrage of government
overreach and heavy -handed tactics happened a month ago in Alaska. Armed state/federal descended on and attacked Chicken,
Alaska supposedly looking for Clean Water Act violations. No, this is not a parody. The participants in the raid
were actually dressed in full body armor. What
agency led the charge? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
As Fox news reported, more than FORTY federal agencies have armed
divisions. 24 federal agencies employ more than 250 full-time armed officers with arrest authority;
another 16 agencies have less than 250 officers. Add an additional 33 offices
including inspector general, the Postal Service and Government Printing Office
have armed personnel. These agencies
employ about 120,000 full-time officers authorized to carry guns and make
arrests, according to a June ,2012 DOJ report.
So is it necessary for the EPA, the Library of Congress,
NOAA, the Federal Reserve Board, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau
of Land Management, the National Institute of Health, the National Oceanic and
the Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Park Service to have armed officers
who can arrest you? No it is not.
"People are furious," said a senior intelligence official who would not be identified discussing classified information. "This is officially the White House cutting off the intelligence community." - LA Times
From Ken
What do
Germany, Mexico, France, Spain, Italy and Sweden have in common? Yes they are
all friends of the United States. They are also infuriated by Obama and the NSA’s
spy ops on their leaders.
According to the LA
Times:“The White House and State Department signed off on surveillance
targeting phone conversations of friendly foreign leaders, current and former
U.S. intelligence officials said Monday.”
This admission completely contradicts the White
House assertions that President Obama and other White House staff knew nothing
of the surveillance of world leaders.
Democrat poster gal, Dianne Feinstein, Chairman of the Intelligence Committee
threw Obama under the bus: "Unless the United States is engaged in
hostilities against a country or there is an emergency need for this type of
surveillance, I do not believe the United States should be collecting phone
calls or emails of friendly presidents and prime ministers.”
Pew research asked Mexicans if they would move the to United States, and nearly 1/3 of Mexicans said "¡Sí!".
About six-in-ten Mexicans (61%) say they would not move to the U.S. even if they had the means and opportunity to do so. However, a sizable minority (35%) say they would move to the U.S. if they could, including 20% who say they would emigrate without authorization.
moonbats are right to be disturbed by recent revelations of the abuse of
privacy by the NSA and the spying on American citizens. I support this video
and the ideas communicated, but it does not go far enough. It is, however worth
a peek.
How the producers
of this slick important piece had the nerve to use video of Richard Nixon (as
opposed to Obama) is simply jaw-dropping.
Obama has
declared in public that the U. S. Constitution is no longer valid.
Obama up a
system of government “Czars” in order to bypass congressional authority.
Forced churches
to accept objectionable practices at their medical institutions.
Has increased US
government debt at unsustainable rates and wasted stimulus funds.
thousands illegal firearms to Mexican drug cartels, resulting in murder of
200 Mexican citizens and at least 2 American citizens.
Keeps an
unpublished enemies list and has used drone strikes to kill three American
citizens (one of them 16- years- old) without due process.
Waged war in
Libya without Congressional input or approval. Aided Al-Qaeda and Muslim
Brotherhood with weapons and money in order to overthrow governments of
multiple sovereign Middle East nations.
new law via abuse of executive orders (examples with immigration dream act
and gun control laws) bypassing congress, and uses executive departments
to enforce laws selectively.
Deserted the
American Ambassador to Libya and other Americans while they were under
attack and conducted cover-up of said action, failing to pursue perpetrators.
Enlisted IRS to
punish political enemies punitively with audits and other abuses.
Obamacare which affixes a financial penalty on Americans who fail to
purchase health insurance in order to regulate behavior – regulatory
powers not granted in the Constitution.
The budget standoff ended last week and the mainstream media
has labeled it a “defeat” for the GOP. Liberal media points to the Republicans’
“misguided strategy” to tie defunding Obamacare to the debt ceiling debate, ultimately
playing chicken with the Senate Democrats and daring them to shut down the government.
The game resulted in just that – a 16 -day shutdown courtesy of President Barack
Hussein Obama and Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Republican establishment folk and liberals alike
blamed their “less seasoned” colleagues for “holding the government hostage”
and forcing the House leadership to bow to their wishes.
The GOP establishment trotted out squishy
former Governor Jeb Bush for his elder statesman-like moderate viewpoint. Practically pleading for us all to get along during an interview for “This Week,” Bush encouraged
the GOP to come up with an alternative health insurance solution and “show some restraint” in their
negotiations. ABC’S John Karl asked Jeb Bush
about advice for Senator Ted Cruz and his efforts to repeal Obamacare. Bush said,
“So have a little bit of self-restraint. It might actually be a politically — a
better approach to see the massive dysfunction…And when we have these spikes of
political conversations that are not grounded in reality, the rest of the world
looks at us as untrustworthy.”
Meanwhile Senator Ted Cruz had this to say
to his critics like Bush during an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash: “Some Republican gray beards in Washington who
make the point, ‘Let’s just let this collapse,' and then Republicans will
benefit. I profoundly disagree with their message…I want to step on their
message. Number one, I consider that
very…the ‘Bad Samaritan Theory.’ Basically inflict a bunch of harm on the
American people and hope we benefit politically from it. What a terrible, cynical
New York Times gleefully quoted the irrelevant Richard
Viguerie: “It’s civil war in the G.O.P.,” said Viguerie, an 80-year-old conservative
who last supported Ron Paul in 2008.
The reality is that not ONE SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTED TO
PASS OBAMACARE. They all campaigned to repeal or defund the highly unpopular
law especially after Justice John Roberts became the swing vote to uphold the constitutionally
shaky legislation. Today, they are all apparently now for it despite the fact
that they used to be against it.
Meanwhile, tongues are wagging about the supposed rift
within the GOP – a war between establishment leaders versus the upstart
populist tea party extremists, but that is not the real issue. The real issue
is that majority of the American people who identify as Republicans are fed up
with the establishment. Resentment has percolated for quite some time starting
with George W. Bush’s legacy including a large Medicare drug coverage expansion,
proposed immigration reform and the emergency bailout in 2008. Conservatives
were already disillusioned in presidential elections in 2008 with the McCain
nomination and again in 2012 with the Romney nomination. The elections were lost
primarily because GOP folks stayed home or switched sides. The establishment
claims there is an absence of strategy on the Tea Party side while the Tea Party
focuses on the winning message of controlling government spending.
The anomaly was the Tea Party domination of the midterms
in 2010 resulted in historic Democrat losses across the board. The fact is that because of 2010, there is an established
precedent today of Tea Party candidates winning primaries against Republican
rivals with long-term corporate and lobbyist backing. Matt Kibbe of FreedomWorks told The New York Times: “We’ve always been outspent by orders of
So fast forward to October, 2013. The Republican Establishment
and liberal media have joined forces. The Republicans have FINALLY discovered
Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals (Obama’s blueprint for campaigning) and are
using Alinsky tactics to eat their young.
These Establishment Republicans who have fed from the
trough for decades patently reject the notion that if all forty-six Republican Senators had stood with Senator Ted
Cruz and Senator Mike Lee instead of trashing them, the political ramifications
would be very different– more like 2010. Obama and the Senate majority would
have been exposed for their hypocrisy, the Obamacare enrollment website would
have failed and Republicans would be considered prescient. What would be the
political fallout if they had actually done what the American people wanted and
stood their ground against Obamacare and the debt ceiling? - Victory.
Instead, Republicans opted to snatch defeat from the jaws
of victory. The final bill funded the government with a completely suspended
debt ceiling and created a bicameral budget super committee (which failed
before). Gallup, NBC and Wall Street Journal polls conducted after
the end of the shutdown noted that the GOP achieved its lowest favorability
rating since polling of this kind began.
The Republicans achieved very little with the public
infighting. Future battles will cause the Republican establishment to back down
quicker for fear they will be saddled with blame for shutdown threats during
debates – they have, in effect, lost their strong position they had after the
2010 election results. It also gave the Democrats the ability to lie to the low
information public that the GOP shutdown caused the problems with the Obamacare
sign -up. The only bright side to the Republican schism is that they held the
line on the sequestration number – spending limits are still at 2008 levels,
keeping the baseline low from which to negotiate a budget.
Republicans are actually suffering from a generational
battle - the Gen Xers versus the Baby Boomers. Boehner is 63; McConnell is 71; McCain
is 77; and Pete King is 69. Ted Cruz referring to the “gray beards” in the GOP during
his interview with CNN reflected this generational conflict. Senator Rand Paul
was born in the mid 1960s while Senators Cruz and Lee were born in 1970 and
1971 respectively.
Paul, Cruz and Lee are products of Generation X who see
the liberalism and excess of the Baby Boom generation as a negative. Feminism
did not have the net positive effects for women, the sexual revolution ushered
in the breakdown of the family, and liberalism promoted the growth and abusive power
of government over the individual.
Gen Xers lost 45% of their wealth during the Great
Recession of 2008 as their median net worth dropped to about $42,000 in 2010,
from $75,000 in 2007. Unlike Baby Boomers who profited during the dot com and
housing bubble booms, Gen Xers are facing insecure retirements and downward
mobility as they age. They are pissed off. Angered over government overreach and
spending, the mismanagement of our fiscal house, the ponzi scheme of our government
entitlements like Social Security, GenXers have had enough.
Paul, Cruz and Lee have capitalized on this undercurrent
of dissatisfaction, tapping into the psyche of Americans who are doomsday
prepping in record numbers. Establishment Republicans have underestimated the
power of this group. The results of the debt ceiling battle and government
shutdown combined with news of NSA spying and IRS targeting have angered this
sleeping giant – the Tea Party 35-50- year -olds who are out for blood. American
is a center right country and Obama’s 15 minutes is up. It will be up to the
new Generation, the Xers, to fight this battle. But the American people are on
their side despite what The New York
Times prints.
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